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· 5 min read

Happy New 2019 Year! Following the nice tradition of creating the list of New Year Resolutions, on behalf of our team, I will create and share it here and hope it would be an appropriate post for the community.

· 2 min read

We know that not everyone is able to purchase OsmAnd on Google Play / Amazon store or to purchase maps for OsmAnd on iTunes store due to various reasons, but many of you would still like to support the application by using it and spreading it around the world.

· 2 min read

This is a tremendous example of how a small change in the OpenStreetMap API could make an impact on other applications. As part of our OsmAnd Live initiative, we've collected detailed statistics about OSM changes over the last 2 years. As of today, we've gathered information about all changesets, all users and all editors. What is unique about our stats is that we are also collecting them by multiple world regions.

· 4 min read

We are pleased to announce that we have a new application in OsmAnd family. This application helps to see your contacts on the map in OsmAnd. It has a social aspect; you need to have contacts, that's why it was challenging for us to choose the platform to build it on.

· 4 min read

The OsmAnd team has been working on open-source maps mobile applications and receiving support from our community for many years now.

The time has come to create a manifest describing our place in the world of IT by explaining why we prefer some solutions/products/technologies over others, clarifying our values, and strengthening our long-term relationship with the community.

Our defined goal is to create universally helpful open-source offline travel tools and to encourage crowdsourcing initiatives worldwide.

· 3 min read

Custom Travel tool helps you create your own travel guide and use it via OsmAnd Travel feature. Basically, you can use the text from any source (from Wikipedia to your friend's blog) and pair it with a GPX track.

· 4 min read

We always strived to make OsmAnd not just your navigator, but your all-around travel guide. That's why, in version 3.0, the 'Travel guides' option has been added.

· One min read

Happy 8 Year Anniversary!

Thank you for being with us, for supporting the project and helping us grow. We're happy to share this journey with you.

· 4 min read

OsmAnd has reached the 3.0 milestone! The version with a completely new 'Travel' menu, updates to GPX import and a new way of starting subscriptions is now available.