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· 6 min read

It is September already. This month is usually not too cold or rainy. Once outside we can still feel the summer warmth on our faces. Not for long though. Fall has its own rules, not all of us appreciate it and call this season melancolic. Others, however, find joy in rain and mild temperatures it brings.

Story 25

· 6 min read

For our team a release day, it's like a progress report to the users. Every day we are working on app improvements to make OsmAnd more user friendly. We fix mistakes, that can also occur due to massive changes that have turned basic maps into a universal tool for travellers for over 10 years. But still, it is not perfect yet. We are not only grateful for all the positive reviews, but also thankful for the constructive criticism and your dream of a better OsmAnd.

Release android 3-80

· 3 min read

Hi! We are glad to announce that iOS app version development does not stand still. The new improved version is already available to install on you devices! Every day we work to make the iOS version more filled and its functionality would be equal to the Android version. Inevitably, we face bugs and mistakes on our way, that we try to fix immediately. Thank you for your support and feedback.

OsmAnd iOS 3.80

· 10 min read

This summer is ending and we basically see the fall on the horizon. Even though this summer was far from ideal, we will miss its hot and long days. 2020 is definitely one of the hardest years for travelers in the last two decades. Some of us got lucky enough to fulfil the plans they had made beforehand, others have found a suitable alternative. Who said that domestic tourism cannot be fun? Nevertheless, we all miss that world of freedom and openness, which we now remember as a bittersweet memory…

Story 24

· 6 min read

Would you like to see something marvelous? If yes, then today’s interview is just what you need! Not only does Arseniy have lots of amazing stories to tell, but he also has pictures that are so beautiful that they are a great example of the sublime. For more pictures check out his instagram here. Just like one spark starts the fire so does the passion for traveling appear. Arseniy has been traveling since childhood. The means he choses for it depends on distance. On shorter trips he goes by bike, while the longer ones require either a car or a train.

Story 23

· 3 min read

Great news for iOS OsmAnd users! We're glad to announce the new OsmAnd version for iOS. Update your OsmAnd, check out all the new features and let us know if you like everything! We promise to continue improving the OsmAnd app and make it even more useful for trips and everyday rides to make your life set.

OsmAnd iOS 3.14

· 5 min read

Some of us travel by car, others by bike. But what is as fast as a car but has only two wheels like a bike? Yes! A motorcycle. This fascinating means of traveling, even though risky, is highly romanticised. Imagine this picture, You are on a mountain road on your motorcycle, enjoying the vivid colors of the the sunset. Gionata is a professional motorcycle adventure traveler, so who, if not he, is able to fully describe and share the experience of motorcycle traveling?

Story 22