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· 4 min read


Is it snowing in Your city? Even if not, Christmas spirit is coming to town.

Oh, You know what I mean, buildings and streets have already been decorated with lights and Christmas trees.

Story 17

· 4 min read

Hi, Dear readers!

It is high time we talked about some adventures! Why, You might ask. Firstly, because the weather is grey and one needs more color in the life. Secondly, there is always time for a great tale. Today we will be talking to Remo. Do You remember our last interview with him? If not, You can find it here.

This year Remo has joined two trips, one was to Croatia and Slovenia another to Italy and France. OsmAnd was his trustworthy companion in both!

Story 16

· 4 min read

After a long pause, we are happy to announce the new 3.5 OsmAnd release for Android devices. You already can update the application in Google Play and check out the following long-awaited improvements in the new app version.

Release android 3-40

· 4 min read

Hi, Dear subscribers!

There is no such thing as bad weather in a sense; furthermore, this fall gives us no reason for sadness - the weather is more than just satisfying - it is marvelous! The harmony of colorful leaves and the blue sky is, definitely, the masterpiece of nature. We should not bother ourselves with winter coldness and stillness yet.

Today we will talk to Seraphima, who will tell us about her vision of travelling with OsmAnd. Seraphima is not the person to sit in when the weather is that excellent. She cannot stand even thinking about it. She will rush outside seeking for a new adventure. Even when she says ‘family time’ what she really means is a family trip. What can be better than a new adventure on a sunny day with the people You care about?

Story 15

· 9 min read

Hello! And we are back in no time! Autumn days are long and grey, so what can be better than thinking about our recent travels? The answer is to share those stories with a community of people who have the same interests as You.

Today we will ask Pieter to share his stories with us. Get Yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee and let us start! Pieter travels either by bike or by train. Trains are preferable when it comes to long trips.

Story 14

· 3 min read

Hello, Dear Users! How are You? Do You know what?

This fall is going to be the season of interviews! We have many people to talk to and even more to talk about. Today we will have an Italian guest. Carmine is going to tell us about his traveling experience. It is not exactly true, though. He will tell us how he creates the best traveling experience for others. He made Amici Bikers website and ever since has been successfully managing it.

Story 13

· 4 min read


Have you ever wondered why we travel. We do our best to enrich our lives to make all the experiences unforgettable. Life would be so boring if we wasted it standing still, wouldn’t it? Do you have a second to talk about an unordinary event that took place this summer?

Today we will talk about more than just a hobby, we will talk about a way of living one’s best life, combining more than just one passion, and finding people who would love to do the same. We will talk about a trophy. Sorry, not just a trophy! We will have a closer look at The Trophy from Paris to Beijing. Here comes Bruno, the person to tell us about that marvelous travel!

Story 12