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Plan Route / Navigation

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  • To start building a navigation route, right-click to add the Navigate from, Navigate to and Navigate via points.

  • After adding the start and end points, we get the route.

  • In the Route block you can move the start and end points, edit them and change the type of route.

OsmAnd Web Create Route

  • choose Route profile for changing navigation routing type:

OsmAnd Web Create Route

  • click to Orange circles on Navigation route for look at instructions:

OsmAnd Web Create Route

Create Track and Local​

A web version of the Plan route tool, similar to the OsmAnd app, is currently being developed. To go to create a route, Right-click β†’ Create new Route. Or you can use the Create track button on the Local menu(right side: Pencil and Upload buttons).

Here you can select a navigation profile to build a section of the route (New segments) or for all route (All segments), add waypoints, save the route and view information about it.

OsmAnd Web Create Track

You can view any actions and display track information in the Track section of this article.

Actions for Local:

  • Import Track - any user can download any GPX file at to Local section.
  • Create track.

OsmAnd Web Create Track

Local track menu and Edit has 3 panels: Info, Track, Waypoints, Turns.

Info actions and data:

  • Save to Cloud.
  • Add description.
  • Rename a track.
  • Recalculate - Add elevation data for the selected track.
  • Elevation: elevation graph.
  • Speed: speed graph.
  • Slope: slope graph.
  • Road details - Road type, Surface, Steepness, Surface firmness, Piste.
  • Download GPX button (Pro feature).
  • Close Track the track.
  • Delete Track - Delete the track.

OsmAnd Web Create Track

Track section contains track points. Here you can delete it or change order. Waypoints menu contains track waypoints. Here you can show or not it on the map, and delete waypoints.

Turns menu contains info about segments turns.

OsmAnd Web Create Track

This article was last updated in September 2024