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Track Context Menu


The Track context menu provides information about the Track in both text and graphic forms. It allows you to add information, make changes, edit and perform various other actions with the track. You can access Track context menu by simply tapping the needed track on the map or using My places menu (Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks). You may need to open track folder and select the desired track by tapping it.

Overview track context menu Android

Track Overview​

When you tap a track, opens the first screen of the Track context menu - Overview tab. On this tab you can find a summary about the chosen track (Info panel) and make the most common actions with the track using Quick actions menu. If you pull Overview tab up, you will see description and service information about your track.

Info Panel​

Info panel overview Android

At the top of the information panel you can see the name of the track, as well as the symbol used to mark it (Android only). Track name can be changed using rename function in Options menu. Some tracks (mostly Travel guides) may have short description and (or) a picture below the Track name. An arrow shows Direction to the nearest point of the track from My location.

Info panel also provides information about:

  • Distance. Shows track length.
  • Uphill / Downhill. Displays the total sum of ascents and descents during the trip.
  • Altitude range. Indicates min and max altitude on a track.

If your track was created in OsmAnd or any other tracking app (so its points have time and speed tags), the informational panel will also contain information about Average speed, Maximum speed, Time span (Android) or Total time (iOS) (the length of time between the start and end points of the track) , Time moving (the sum of time while driving).

Quick Actions​

Track context menu overview Android 3


Track menu options Android

Menu Options allows to make manipulation with the chosen track, Information Routing Edit Delete Share Export to open it in other tools.

  • Show on map - shows or not the track on the map.
  • Appearance - opens Appearance menu for the track.
  • Follow track (Android) or Navigation (iOS) - starts navigation by Follow track option.
  • Edit track - open the chosen track in Plan route tool.
  • Dublicate track (iOS) - allows to make and save a copy of the track.
  • Rename track - change track name.
  • Change folder - select folder and add new one for the chosen track.
  • Delete - delete the track.

Description and Info​

Description of a track Android 1

This section of the Overview tab displays tag data and all general information.

  • Description: Edit (Android) or Edit description (iOS) - is used to edit description of the track.

  • General (contains info about file size, location folder, date of creation): Created on(tag time), Size(GPX file size), Location(File folder), Description(tag desc).

  • Info: Keywords(tag keywords), Link(tag link).

  • Author (tag author): Name(tag name), E-mail address (tag email), Link(link).

  • Copyright (tag copyright): (tag author), Year(tag year), License(tag license).

  • Additional (all tags from extensions section): osmand:address, icon, background, color, country, state, telephone, postcode, start_date, desc.

Example XML code of GPX file
<name>GPX File Example</name>
<desc>Example GPX file with various tags</desc>
<name>Author Name</name>
<email id="your" domain="" />
<link href="" />
<copyright author="OsmAnd B.V">
<link href="" />
<keywords>gpx, osmand, hiking</keywords>
<osmand:address>Floyd Avenue (The Fan) 907, Richmond</osmand:address>
<osmand:country>United States</osmand:country>
<osmand:telephone>(804) 828-0100</osmand:telephone>
<osmand:start_date>Thursday, June 8, 2023</osmand:start_date>
<osmand:desc>Boardwalks are walkways that cross over water or marshy ground. They’re typically made of wood or other smooth materials, and are accessible to wheelchairs. Please check with your park to see if there are accessible trails available. You’ll often find boardwalks close to parking lots, so expect larger crowds.</osmand:desc>

Altitude / Speed Graphs​

On the Track tab you can find information about the track in graphical form. Using the switch, you can choose which data to display on the graph: separately data on Altitude, about the Speed (this option is available only for recorded tracks) or display all together (Overview).

Interaction with the graph:

  • Place a point on the graph. If you want to see the information at a particular point of a track, you can tap anywhere on the graph and a pointer with the values will appear. At the same time, a blue marker will appear on the map, pointing to that location on the track.
  • Zoom in/out. You can use two-finger movements to zoom in and out for a more detailed view. After zooming in, you can move the graph to the right and left, which corresponds to moving forward and backward along the route.
  • Additional information. The right side of the graph contains data about the lowest, highest and average altitude, slope and speed. At the bottom of the graph you can see the distance marks.

Overview Information​

Context track menu Graphs Android

  • Distance. This is the sum of the total distance traveled on the track, or the length of the track itself.
  • Time span. This is the time interval between the start and end points of the track.
  • Start time This is the exact time when recording of the track starts.
  • End time. This is the end time of the track recording.




This tab can be visible only on recorded tracks (points of this track type have < speed > tags).

Track graph Speed Android

The Speed graph shows:

  • Average speed. Indicates the average speed during the trip.
  • Maximum speed. Shows the maximum speed during the trip.
  • Time in motion. Shows the total time during trip in motion only.
  • Distance corrected. Indicates the adjusted distance of the trip.


Track graph altitude Android

  • Average altitude. Indicates the average altitude above sea level on the route.
  • Altitude range. The highest and lowest altitude recorded on the route.
  • Uphill. The cumulative gain in altitude above sea level along the route.
  • Downhill. The cumulative loss of altitude along the route.

If there is no elevation information on the route, you can add it in the following ways:

  • Calculate elevation button β†’ Use nearby roads. Uses the offline map to find nearby roads and elevation data. Can adjust the track geometry.
  • Use Terrain maps. Uses terrain maps to retrieve elevation data. The track geometry remains unchanged.

Calculating Missing Elevation​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Calculate elevation offline feature is only available for OsmAnd Pro subscribers .

This feature allows you to calculate elevation profile for GPX track offline for any terrain between 70 degrees north latitude and 70 degrees south latitude, based on Terrain map data. Terrain maps (3D) should be previously downloaded.

  1. Download Terrain maps(3D) for the required region.

  2. If the track does not contain any altitude data, go to the track context menu (Track Context menu β†’ Track β†’ Altitude β†’ Get elevation data), select Use Terrain maps, and after the calculation you will get a track graph based on the terrain data.
    Track graph altitude Android Track graph altitude Android

  3. If you are creating a route with the Plan a route tool using the Straight line method and there is no elevation data on the graph, you need to:

    • Tap Get elevation data, then select Use Terrain maps.
    • After the calculation, you will get a complete Altitude/Slope graph of your route based on terrain data.

    Track graph altitude Android Track graph altitude Android

Points / Waypoints​

Waypoints are one kind of point available on the map. The description is in the article Points on the map. In general, waypoints are track points that are part of GPX files.

Context track menu Points Android

In this Points tab:

Add Waypoint to a Track​

Waypoints can be added to the currently recorded track or to any track from your track collection My Places β†’ Tracks list:

  • Using the Map Context Menu. Waypoints are automatically displayed if the selected track is enabled on the map. To create a waypoint use a long tap on the map at any chosen location. In the opened Map Context Menu you can set information about the waypoint.
  • Using Add Waypoint button of the Track Context menu.
  • You can also add a waypoint as a Quick action. Follow the Add track waypoint to configure.

When you tap to Add Waypoint button, the Creation point screen opens (this screen is familiar with Favorite Context menu).

Add waypoint Add waypoint

  1. Add Name of the waypoint, Address of the selected location and Description for it, if you want.

  2. Select Group.

    • You can select previously created categories of groups or create a new one.
    • For a new group (in the application it is also called a new category) of waypoints you create a name and an appearance. The icon, its color and shape will be used for all new waypoints added to the group.
  3. Appearance setting:

    • Select icon from the list.
    • Select Color of the icon.
    • Then select the Shape of the icon: Circle, Octagon, Square.
  4. Replace another point with this, if you need to.


Track menu Group menu Android

⁝ button opens waypoint Group menu.


  • Show on map. Allows you to show or not show group waypoints on the map. Or you can use the screen button for showing or not group waypoints on the map.
  • Rename. Allows you to change the name of the group.
  • Change color. Allows you to change the color for group waypoints.
  • Copy to map markers (Android only). Allows you to move group waypoints to Map markers.
  • Copy to favorites (Android only). Allows you to move group waypoints to Favorites.
  • Delete. Allows you to delete group waypoints.

Waypoint Groups​

Track menu Group map Android Track menu Group map Android

  • You can control the visibility of groups on the map. If the track is hidden, all groups will also be hidden.

  • You can switch group waypoints on or off on the map using the button in the upper right corner of the context menu of the track on the map. Tap it and select the required action.

Display Custom GPX Tags​


Example XML code of Waypoint tags
  <wpt lat="40.123456" lon="-73.987654">
<name>Waypoint 1</name>
<desc>Long description</desc>
<link href="" />
<cmt>Short comment for the waypoint.</cmt>
<osmand:country>United States</osmand:country>
<osmand:address>Floyd Avenue (The Fan) 907, Richmond</osmand:address>
<osmand:telephone>(804) 828-0100</osmand:telephone>
<osmand:start_date>Thursday, June 8, 2023</osmand:start_date>
Example XML code of Route point tags
<name>Route 1</name>
<desc>A sample route</desc>
<rtept lat="40.123456" lon="-73.987654">
<name>Route Point 1</name>
<desc>Point 1 of the route</desc>
<osmand:country>United States</osmand:country>
<osmand:address>Floyd Avenue (The Fan) 907, Richmond</osmand:address>
<osmand:telephone>(804) 828-0100</osmand:telephone>
<osmand:start_date>Thursday, June 8, 2023</osmand:start_date>


latLatitude is one of the geographic coordinates by which you can determine a location.
lonLongitude is another of the geographic coordinates by which you can determine a location.
timeTimestamp is the date and time when the point was recorded.
nameName is the name of the point. Any characters are allowed.
descDescription contains additional information about the point.
typeSelect group is the name of the OsmAnd folder in which this waypoint is saved.
cmtComment is a short comment of a point.
linkLink is a link to any sources.
eleElevation is a point elevation.


osmand:iconIcon is the name of the icon you selected.
osmand:colorColor is the color in HEX format.
osmand:backgroundBackground is the shape of the icon, such as a circle, octagon or square.
osmand:countryCountry is the name of country.
osmand:addressAddress is the address.
osmand:postcodePostcode is the postcode.
osmand:telephoneTelephone is the telephone number.
osmand:stateState is the state name.
osmand:start_dateStart date is the sheduele data of a point.

Waypoints are recorded together with the track in the GPX file. Each of these waypoints has its own set of tags for description. All tags that are directly related to the description of waypoints and that can be edited directly in the OsmAnd application are listed in this section.
To change the Waypoint description, you can go one of the following ways:

  1. Find the required track in the Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab list.

  2. Tap the track on the map, if it is included in the list of visible.

  3. Tap the required waypoint if it is visible on the map.

    Then in the Tracks Context menu tap Points, the field of the required folder with available waypoints and the Waypoint you are looking for. Select menu Actions β†’ Edit GPX waypoint and make changes. You cannot change the creation date of a point, timestamp, in the application.

Amenity tags that describe additional information, such as hours of operation or phone number, specific to the POI take that information from OpenStreetMap data or data that you entered when creating the POI. You can edit such tags and custom tags only in the code of the GPX file, which you can open with any text editor on your device.

Split Interval​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

A user can divide a track by intervals (distance or time) and analyze it.

Split the track by distance or time interval.
Options β†’ Analyze by intervals

Track split interval screen Android Track split interval screen time Android

GPS Filter​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Options β†’ GPS filter

GPS filter screen Android

This filter allows you to improve your track statistics by excluding unnecessary or incorrect data. You can filter out track points that don't fit your track parameters, and as a result, get a more accurate graph and visual route line without distortion or recording noise. You can make changes with filters such as Smoothing, Speed, Altitude, and GPS Precision, which hide filtered points from the current track. Besides, in the Statistics menu, you can check how your changes are displayed on the graph before you save them. You can also Reset to original and Save as a copy of your track in this filter without saving the original one.

The Android GPS Filter app page includes:

  • A map with a saved track and an extra button My track location (it aligns a track to the center of a map).
  • Buttons Refresh and Menu at the top (Menu opens Action field at the bottom of the page).
  • Blocks Filter, Statistics, Action.

Filter Menu​

In this menu, you can change some parameters of your track with filters such as, Smoothing, Speed, Altitude, GPS precision. The menu is divided into a Points part and an Actions part.

This part shows the number of points after filtering and the total number of points on the selected track before filters were used.
GPS filter screen points numbers Android
Smoothing – Sets the threshold distance between points. Track points not at least this distance away from the last visible point will be hidden. All points on the track, that are at a distance from each other less than the distance selected by the filter, will be hidden. Track points are counted from the last visible point. Note, that high thresholds can oversimplify the track geometry.
GPS filter smoothing numbers Android
Speed – Only the track points that correspond to the selected speed interval will be displayed on the graph and on the map, the others will be hidden.
GPS filter speed numbers Android
Altitude – Only the track points that correspond to the selected altitude interval will be displayed on the graph and on the map, the others will be hidden.
GPS filter altitude numbers Android
GPS precision – Sets the maximum permissible value for HDOP. Points with a higher value will be hidden.
GPS filter precision numbers Android


GPS filter graph Android

Statistics tab displays information about modified track i.e. without filtered values. It is displayed within stat blocks and graph data.

  • The Data part shows statistics similar to the Filter menu.
  • The Graph part displays three types of graphs by parameters: Overview, Altitude, Speed. This functional is a copy of track Graph.


GPS filter action Android

Actions list is available on the bottom of Filter or Statistics tab. OsmAnd will apply all changes made to the track without updating the file. You can save the changes manually.

  • Reset to original. Allows you to return the parameters to their original state.
  • Save as copy. Allows you to save the track as a new one.
  • Save changes to file. Allows you to rewrite the track with the new parameters.

This article was last updated in August 2024